Friday 29 May 2020

Day 68 - The Beach

Wednesday evening and we're going to the beach for a picnic dinner and a paddle! Since the lock down rules have relaxed a little we are now allowed to do this, as long as we stick to social distancing.

A biplane flew over, which was pretty cool!

Beautiful sea shot.

We took a walk further down and enjoyed the view.

Looking to the East you could just make out the Spinnaker Tower in the distance.

Sunset over the water!

Day 67 - Tuesday, Back to Work

Back to work after the bank holiday weekend.

But, still lots chances to take a lovely walk and see some nature!

Here's a lovely ladybird on my t-shirt!

And a circle of hoof prints that look like a hidden Mickey. We loved spotting hidden Mickey's when we went to Disney last year, so much fun!

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Day 64, 65 and 66 - Bank Holiday Weekend!

A lovely long bank holiday weekend with two very long (for the kids) 4 and 5 mile walks!

I love the British countryside, it makes for some fantastic landscape shots.

Here we are walking through a sheep field, and these two lambs were having a play nearby.

Here are the rest of the sheep chilling in the shade of a massive tree.

Lovely walk through a forest, trees ahoy!

And as we break through the woods back to civilisation we come across a farm which looks like it has been logging recently.

Day 63 - Birthday

It's my birthday! I'm 39 years young, and despite lock down what a lovely day it was! Apart from the self inflicted raging hangover!

My wife and kids made me a pub!!

Bar for orders.

The table complete with knives and forks pot! Just epic! So touched.

To add to the axe theme, I got a hatchet and target board for throwing!

And to finish the day, some Stromtrooper Ale!

Day 62 - Camping

Well, camping at home, we put up the tent, got gloriously drunk and camped in the back garden with the kids.

They loved it, marshmallows over a small BBQ fire, big tent, nature, the trains on the nearby railway line were a bit loud though!

One of the cats did get to the bed first before us!

Good ol' Jack Cat!

Day 61 - River Life

Lovely walks in lovely weather.

Today we saw a Damsel Fly/Dragon Fly, I'm not actually sure. Due to the wings I'd say damsel :)

Here it is resting on a branch.

And, I nearly lost it as it took a little fly round, but I managed another shot, still at a distance but with a full zoom on my phone.

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Day 60 - Clay Faces and Tree Spirits

The kids are enjoying their home learning, and today were doing tree spirits. This involves digging up clay from the river, grabbing natural materials and making a tree spirit that you sculpt onto the trees!

Great stuff!

This is by my younger daughter, a tree girl!

And eldest did a tree Unicorn!

Both are excellent!

Day 59 - Slow Worm

We saw a Slow Worm on our lunchtime walk, which is neither slow, nor a worm, but in fact a legless lizard.

There he is, being all, umm, slow wormy! Fascinating animal!

And on the way back to the house we caught the birds having a dust bath on the path!

Monday 18 May 2020

Day 58 - Sunday Walk

If you can go out to the country to walk, do it! So we did, on Sunday we did a 4 1/2 miler with the kids. We saw some great things!

Beautiful rolling countryside!

This neat stick fort!

Someone was building a new barn.

And this unfortunate looking car on a farm. Maybe used for fire practice?

Day 57 - Saturday Walk

Using the new less restricted lock down rules we went for a drive to a more remote location to take a country walk.

There was this lovely Elephant on a fence post, there was a range of them and I liked this one the best.

A huge discarded coffee cu!

This gnarly old tree.

And just a lovely forest walk overall!

Day 56 - The End is Nev

The end is Nev! So best stay away from them, whoever they are?!

Got to love the youth of today.

Here's also a nice pigeon relaxing in a tree!

Day 55 - Nature

More lovely walk photos!

Today we went down by the river for some lovely views and ducks!

A view down the river looking at the flowers!

Baby and teen ducks!

And finally, a squirrel!

Day 54 - Thrones!

But not Game of Thrones, we went for a different route through the woods and there is a tree stump that has been carved into a woodland throne!

It's quite impressive, the kids can be Queen's of the woods!

Day 53 - Walking Time

Gotta love the walks, I know this whole situation is bad, and these are unusual and dangerous times with the virus around and everything that's going on. But, being with my family and being able to go on daily walks is just lovely!

We saw some lambs!

With their mum.

And a trip down tot he river!

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Day 52 - Back to Work

After VE Day on Friday, giving us a 3 day weekend, it's back to work.

But, we still got a walk in, and we also had a show from the kids about cleaning with water!

These plants are amazing, and my kids told me they had learnt they were the birth of Lego. You can pull them apart, and they have little spiny prongs that let you stick them back together again as if nothing had happened. Clever stuff!

The cleaning up show!

Day 50 + 51 The Weekend

The weekend is here, and while a little cooler we still got some great walks and lots of chill time.

We watched Eddie the Eagle which was free on Youtube (Also on Netflix if you have it) and generally had a lovely time.

Here's a deer from one of our walks!

Monday 11 May 2020

Day 49 - VE Day

It's the 75th Anniversary of VE Day, which we cannot celebrate in the intended way, so we had a socially distant street party from our driveways!

We had bunting across the whole close.

Party food for our driveway street party.

And all our bunting!

Day 48 - Colour

The walks we take are so colourful, it's amazing how many different plants and flowers there are around Romsey.

Here are a few:

Also, I like the sneaky graffiti here: