Tuesday 22 September 2020

Day 184 - Telescope

My eldest loves space, loves it!

And she got a telescope for her birthday, we're just waiting for the new moon to open up a bit so we can actually look at it!!

Day 183 - Daddy daughter day

 My youngest wanted a day with mummy, and my eldest wanted to watch a horror movie. So it was arranged, daddy daughter horror day!

Now finding something suitable was a challenge, but we got there in the end:

She absolutely loved it!

Day 182 - Family games!

Pie splat! The unexpected game of getting whipped cream smashed into your face!


Day 181 - Sunshine

 I was asked to hold my youngest's sunglasses.


Day 180 - Middle of the week

So Wednesday is upon us, not a lot going on at the moment. Things are running smoothly, cases of COVID-19 are beginning to rise in the UK, so there are rumblings of changes but we need to wait until next week to see what happens there.

No pictures today (apologies) I just didn't get the chance to take any.

So I'll dig through my archives and add something random below to keep it looking pretty!

Aha! I have randomly selected these ace IPAs from ALDI's! Yum!

Day 179 - Tuesday already!

 Lunchtime walk today, as I'm working from home. We walked along the local canal and basked in the glorious sunshine.

Day 178 - Walk to the Park

 Monday, and we went for a walk to the park after school. I liked the way the sun sat low over the trees and took a snapshot.