Thursday 25 June 2020

Day 90 - Big Walk

We took the kids out for a 7 mile walk on the Wessex Ridgeway.

My wife and I have been walking the Ridgeway for years slowly doing each one in sections of 6 to 16 miles at a time. This was one of the smaller sections, and with new camel packs for the kids they had water available.

Here's a selection of the many images I took:

We came across a cress farm.

Watched a tractor taking some chalk to a dumping area.

Someone tried to stop the deer eating their fruits with this sign. Wonder if it works?

A view across the countryside.

Lovely walk through the corn fields.

This little guy came to sit on my sandwich box.

A daytime red spotted moth.

Cows! Moo!

Dogs and livestock don't mix!

Rolling hills.

Village pond.

And a huge dandelion blower!

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