Wednesday 19 August 2020

Day 144 - Wildlife Park

 Tuesday, and we went to Axe Wildlife Park in Axminster today!

A Goose! 


A more picturesque shot.

I forget what this is! But I  like it.

More flamingos.

Photobomb from a flamingo while taking a shot of flamingos.

These little guys were having a shout.

While this one was having a nap.

Lovely porcupine, we started having a conversation with each other using honks.

The meerkats were loving the hot weather.

Close up.

This one was inside by some glass eating all the trapped flies. Yum... I guess.

Some kind of wolf dog friend!

Another meerkat who looked adorable. 

A nice dozing cat.


I forget what this is, kind of a guinea pig bunny crossover. 

Petting goats.

Zebras, who immediately after this photo did a huge wee!

Lovely little guy.

I love tortoises, this was a big one! I stroked his head.

A Lynx! We never see lynx's and this one was having a lovely sunbathe. 

These emus got really close for photos. 

A fishing cat! Lovely boy!

This little one was waiting to be fed. 

There we go!

We had no idea who this was, but so lovely!

This Lemur was fast asleep until!

This one woke him up. Love his dopey tongue. I guess because he saw the camera because...

They quickly posed for a shot.

Or two.


And finally one last lizard friend. 

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