Wednesday 22 July 2020

Day 123 - Mega Walk

The kids are in school today (first time since April) and only for one day to meet their new teachers for potentially returning to school in September. But. this meant that I could take a day off and we can go for a massive walk together while the kids are out.

So we went for a 15 miler! We needed a good pace so we could get back in time, and also pick up the car (which we drove to the starting point) and return in time to pick up the kids.

We totally smashed it! Here's some pics from the walk:

The start of the walk, a long path ahead of us.

We are walking along the river test, and this was our first view of it during the walk.

Spotted some swans in the distance.

Beautiful view and reflections.

Here's another view across.

Some new trees being replanted here, it just made for a very interesting view.

We got stuck behind a forestry tractor which was carrying and craning out freshly chopped trees. Interesting to watch.

Great old fashioned tractor.

We went through a pig farm!

They were enjoying a water hole on a hot day, there was also a fountain/water spray for them to play with.

These ones were chilling out.

But this one had the right idea!

One final shot, we arrived back in Romsey by the old mill. Love it!

Fantastic walk, but wow do our legs hurt now!

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