Wednesday 29 July 2020

Day 130 - Back in Action, Broken Cat

Our systems are back at work, we can work again! Which is surprisingly a good thing, it's a bit boring sitting in front of your computer with nothing to do!

However, in the evening we went for a nice walk just round the local area and got some lovely photos.

Lovely countryside views.

Another shot, this time with a nice tree.


Difficult to see, but on the right of the wooden platform is a lizard! Apparently we have lizards in the UK (first time I've seen one, other than a slow worm), this is a Common Lizard and according to the internet give birth to live young. Rather than the more normal lizard eggs. Random fact there.

Here's a closer shot:


And finally our poor cat, she had a blocked nose and was sneezing out blood, which is never good. The vet told us to keep an eye on it, as most likely something was stuck up there. But it didn't appear to clear so we booked a vet appointment. So it of course cleared on the day of the appointment, but she went in to be safe. Instead we were told that she has some poorly teeth and these need to come out, so she has to spend one night with a cannula inserted ready for surgery tomorrow :(


She's actually totally fine here, apart from the bandage and cone of shame, man she hates that bandage and spent most of the night on our bed punching us trying to remove it. Surgery tomorrow to get the bad teeth out. Good luck Peachy!

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