Thursday 19 March 2020

Day 01 - The set up

So everyone knows what Coronavirus is, or COVID-19, and due to the unprecedented situation it presents to us we have been forced to take extreme measures to reduce to reduce the spread of the virus. Supermarkets are empty, people are panic buying, wearing face masks, and keeping their distance. Sounds like some kind of dystopian future.

So this is day one of being sent to work from home, no one in the household has the virus (thankfully) but this is the beginning of an entirely unprecedented experience and I thought: 'Why not record this?' So here it is.

The date is Monday 17th March 2020, it has been decided by the government that anyone who can work from home, should, and our company has (after a short think) decided to follow that advice. So we pack up our things, grab monitors and docking stations, headsets and peripherals and head home.

Day 01 at home:
I need a desk, I hadn't entirely planned where I was going to work, I had imagined sitting at the dining room table, or lounging on the bed. However, that just won't work with multiple monitors and a docking station. So she comes up with a plan, a really good one. After digging in the garage for a cupboard door, and rearranging the furniture in the spare room, a desk is born:

Now I have a home office, complete with plant, a stuffed lion and a 1980s Fisher Price Music Box Record Player. Because why not?

The set up works, I work all is well.

17:10 - There's a government announcement, schools will be closing from Friday indefinitely until it is deemed safe again. Interesting times, the kids are excited, we plan on keeping a routine and keeping them busy.

We currently still have loo rolls.

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