Wednesday 25 March 2020

Day 07 - Homeschooling

The kids have been great, they pop in to see me from time to time, checking I'm still here or telling me what they are up to.

There has been some work assigned by the school, and my wife is homeschooling them with that, and additional projects to keep them occupied throughout the day. I remain in my makeshift office working away on emails and phone calls, but it's nice to hear them in the background enjoying themselves.

Luckily the weather is great, so they are getting a lot of outside time too, playing with water and looking at bugs and other wildlife.

Lock down is tough, and it must get boring for the kids at times, but they are soldiering on and I wouldn't want to be locked down with anyone else. Hard times, interesting times, but we're all healthy, and we're all together!

Here they are learning about forces and throwing home made parachutes from the upstairs window:

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