Monday 23 March 2020

Day 04 + 05 - The First Weekend

The first weekend locked in, the weather was glorious, if a little chilly. But we did loads of housework, gardening, reading and playing.

Overall, considering the circumstances it was a lovely time together as a family. There are still a lot of people walking and cycling passed the house, it seems not everyone is as strict as we are, but it does sound like we may be heading to a lock down scenario.

No real change in regards to the Governments stance here in the UK, keep your distance, don't go out if you have to, and stay safe. Although they have now officially closed pubs, clubs, theatres etc... So now it's not just advised to stay away, you have to.

Saturday night was movie night with Frozen 2:

On Sunday we worked and played in the garden, and saw lots of insects, and it gave me an excuse to take some photos!

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