Friday 20 March 2020

Day 03 - Friday!

It's Friday, not only is it nearly the weekend, a weekend where we are unlikely to leave the house, but it's also the last day of school until possibly September. We don't really know when the kids will go back, but it sounds like it could last through the summer.

The kids are excited, we hope they don't start clawing at the walls being locked up all the time, but we are looking to keep a schedule and keep them learning throughout the lock down period.

My neck is aching, I think my desk is slightly too high, or my seat is too low, even though technically that's the same thing. I'll pad myself out with some more cushions and see if I can find a happy medium!

The PM did his speech again yesterday evening, no real changes: Don't go to public gatherings, work from home, close the schools and don't leave the house unless you have to. Yet he doesn't close pubs, theatres or other venues despite advising people not to use them. I feel sorry for all the people who work there as things will be very uncertain insurance wise.

But we solider on! The sun is shining, and Spring is in the air!

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