Monday 6 April 2020

Day 17 + 18 - Lovely Weekend!

What a lovely weekend! The weather was beautiful, however this unfortunately meant that a lot of people broke the lock down rules and went for picnics in the park, and sunbathing in groups. While lock down is stressful for some, and a bit of a pain, it's really not worth gambling with this whole situation. If this continues the government has stated they will remove our exercising rites, and we will be fully locked down. Our only trips out would be essential visits to the shops.

But! With that aside, here's some of the things I experienced this weekend:

First there was a small commotion in our close as the drain unblockers arrived! There had been a bit of a pong, and we presume that people have been flushing wipes and kitchen roll which has backed up the sewage system. But it's all sorted now, thankfully!

We went for a lovely walk in the sun for our daily exercise (while we still can) there were quite a few people with the same idea, but we kept our 2 meter distances.

This little guy took a nap on my top, so I rescued and transferred him to a leaf.

Finally, we spent some time in the garden reading and a butterfly came to visit us. It landed on us several times to bask in the sun either on our hands or books.

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