Thursday 16 April 2020

Day 27 - Witches

Lock down appears to be la daily walk to keep us sane! I'm still working every day, at my desk and putting in my hours, plus there appears to be plenty of work to keep the entire team occupied, which is great. I've not had a single day where I have been looking for work to do.

But, the lunchtime walk is greatly received! Today I have baby duck spotting, and a witch stick! (Ooooh!)

Here of course are the ducks! Just a 2 minute walk from our house there's a river which leads all the way into town. We usually see quite a few walkers, dogs, cyclists, butterflies and birds. Plus the added bonus of baby ducks today!

And this is the witch stick! Made ourselves, basically, you get a stick, you get some leaves, and then you skewer the leaves on to the small twig sections of the stick, then poke it in the ground. What does it do? Well... umm... magic things!!

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