Tuesday 21 April 2020

Day 32 - Hackers!

So someone hacked our Disney+ account (expletives deleted). The had changed the email address so we could no longer login. However, I did get an email stating the change had been made and had to have a long chat with Disney+ to resolve it.

But resolve it they did, which is nice. Bit of a shame though, it seems they have had quite a few problems with accounts being hacked since launch. Let's hope that doesn't continue!

Streaming service aside, a busy and emotional day work wise as we furlough two members of staff. They are of course not best pleased about the situation, and I am worried we will not have enough staff for the potential May workload (when the furlough begins). But what has been done is undo-able, so we will just have to roll with it for now. Then there is the potential of a second round in June!

Otherwise, walks as usual (I love our family walks!) but you see loads of walk pictures, so here's a visit from our social distancing window cleaner:

And here's one of our cats durping on the windowsill:

Close up you say? OK!

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