Friday 17 April 2020

Day 28 - Wildflowers

So the kids have been learning about nature, and flowers, and discovered that both daisy's and dandelions are edible.

So, on our walk I thought: "Why not?"

So I nommed some flowers, and they're not bad!

First I went for the common daisy. It seemed less 'meaty' than a dandelion! The suggestion is to sprinkle them over a salad, and I can see why. A very lettuce and mild flavour, light and not bad at all. I think I ate three in total.

So next the dandelion!

Not this one specifically, especially as it has some ants crawling on it, but one of a similar size. IT was very bitter, a bit like rocket leaves. But, again, not bad, I could certainly eat it, and understand why it's used in jellies and drinks. Well, you live and learn!

We also saw a sleeping bee on our walk! Very sweet! Every now and then it's antenna would wiggle, so we left it to rest.

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